Travel Buddy


Travel Buddy


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The towers were designed to create a Sacred Space that supports Health, Life, Regeneration and Abundance.

Travel Buddy's are $A500 including postage in Australia.  Extra cost for international postage.


The Travel Buddy was designed to be portable - to carry with you when you are on a road trip, holidaying or camping.  Perfectly designed for caravans, units and rentals where you don’t want to fix a permanent structure.


Helps with:

  • Long-term benefits to people and animals
  • A Sanctuary for Peace
  • Recovery from emotional stresses
  • Support plant growth
  • Lifting and harmonising the energy
  • Improve feelings of well-being
  • Improve air quality and atmospheric conditions
  • Clear land and environmental traumas
  • Restore portal functions
  • Release negative attachments and energies
  • Neutralise EMF frequencies
  • Can energise and cleanse food and water
It is important to note it doesn’t work on soil health.  You can emanate your own intention, crystal or remedy energy by placing in the top bowl.
Please don’t put liquid directly in the top, use a glass/jar.

"Always remember Energy precedes matter. So the energy will lift before you see physical changes. The first step is to lift energy and clear unforeseen blockages."
- Eric Tighe, creator of Universal Energy Towers.


If you'd like to read about our journey to creating the Universal Energy Towers click here.




I think an energy tower is vital to help alleviate today's life stresses, physical illnesses and the environmental factors that affect people's vitality. It's helping to not only lift people's vibrations but also help to heal people and the environment around them. I like to think that eventually, all these towers will connect, like a network that will help to magnify the benefits. 


I was thinking about this the other day. Man has always built monolithic monuments trying to harness energy etc. Maybe these energy towers are our equivalent.

- Virginia McG, Inverell, NSW, Australia

My intention for installing our energy tower was to lift the energy of the property to improve soil health, pasture nutrition, the water quality and help my veggies grow. It was a lovely Wednesday afternoon when Eric arrived to install our energy tower. Eric introduced himself to the nature spirits and let them know what he was up to. I think they had a fair idea, as I had been thinking and talking about this for a while. Tower site discussion ensued, as the original and preferred site would probably interfere with the general day-to-day vehicle traffic. The nature spirits obviously approved, as shortly after the tower was installed there was an unusual gust of wind on an otherwise still day and a gentle, short shower of rain. It was as tho Sunnyside had breathed a sigh of relief.


The changes have sometimes been subtle and sometimes not so subtle. The trees have all grown, the roses are bigger and bushier than they should be, the grass is greener, the cattle are happier, and the unsettled horse has settled. The overall feeling is of settledness and contentment. Significantly, any animal injuries heal quickly - including cattle and dogs. I have noticed more birds, especially finches. The overall energy of the place has lifted!!

- Leanne L, Stanborough, NSW, Australia

Certainly lots of different things shifting.


It was interesting when we got back to the house we had a kombucha & a cigarette and they tasted different. I felt really calm peaceful and centred for the rest of the afternoon and also felt energised. I felt an intensity in my head but it wasn’t a headache. It was like a subtle buzz…. Dave had a tightness in the chest area and a couple of random sharp pains … 1 in his right eye and 1 in his neck. He said he felt different but it was hard to put into words.


We both had very light sleep and took us ages to get to sleep. Which is very unusual for us. This morning we’ve noticed heaps of galahs cockatoos and plovers. We normally only see a couple of plovers in the paddock. This morning there were at least 12 all hanging together. It was a very unusual sight.


The weaners were really noisy before we went to bed. Then this morning just really quiet and settled even though there are a couple of cows near the yards. Even the mums aren’t mooing. This morning we both felt quite achy in our bodies too. And now I’m just feeling tired. That could be just from winding down from all the visitors too lol 


But in short, we have definitely noticed some changes already. We will definitely keep observing and noting things down from day to day. Very exciting. Thanks Eric.

- David L & Helen W, Bundarra, NSW, Australia (This was the day after the tower was installed).

We certainly have noticed a lift in the cows' energy. Especially the mobs closer to the towers and the feed at Zahlee is looking very lush Zahlee sth is green but I’m sure it will continue to pick up too. I’ve personally noticed my meditations have been a lot more focused centred and a lot deeper which is great. Dave feels his diabetes has been a lot more balanced and he’s feeling more positive about things. So lots of great things happening over here. 

- Update from David L & Helen W, Bundarra, NSW, Australia on 27th April 2023

I believe it has had a calming effect on the whole place; kids, animals, everything. The kids are getting along well with us and each other, and the animals look good and feel good, even my old dog who hasn't been looking that good.


I haven't noticed much new growth on plants but they have all got good colour and look healthy. The lawn has never looked better with no extra care or attention.


The biggest thing I have noticed is in us and the kids. With us both working too much at times things can get stressful, we are still busy but there have been none of the additional stressors or problems that usually occur. And with the house build, nothing has been a problem it's all going smoothly. Thanks mate.

- Mick R, Oakwood, NSW, Australia. This was a few days after installing Mick’s tower

Wonderful changes already. Leila said she wanted more birds and animals so a kookaburra came down onto the fence the next day. I can feel the energy lift inside the house and I’ve noticed it within my body as well. One plant I’ve noticed has started to grow when it’s not been getting any taller for months. The energies have been building quite quickly if I have been reading it right with the pendulum.

- Cameron B, Cairns, QLD, Australia

To read more of our testimonials and about our healing, you can visit our website

4 x travel buddies

I have found that since. I have had the Travel Buddy and I have had a deeper sleep than I have had in the last 10 years. I have also found that I have a deeper and stronger connection when I do my meditations. I notice that I have more energy during the day. My crystals and vibration essences that I have charged on the Travel Buddy, their vibration has also risen.

My Animals are also a lot calmer. Prior to the 1st of January 2024, my older cat was looking tired, he now appears to be younger looking in the face and the sore part of his body that once hurt when he was being brushed has vanished and he is now back to running around more now.
Nicole NSW