3 Poisoning - Kit 1 Replacement


3 Poisoning - Kit 1 Replacement

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This is a good remedy to stop vomiting and diarrhoea thereby stopping fluid loss and dehydration. Signs that your animal requires this remedy is gastric symptoms and a high thirst. This remedy is good for all forms of poisoning from chemicals, contaminated water and food, etc. The Poison remedy can also be of use where the skin is displaying dry flaky skin lesions and hair loss.

- Food poisoning
- Poisoning generally – chemicals, contaminated water
- Vomiting
- Diarrhoea
- Stomach cramps
- Anguish and restlessness
- Fear of death or being alone
- Disruption to liver function
- Headaches where scalp is sensitive
- Burning of eyes, intense photophobia
- Roaring in ears
- Acidic nasal discharge that burns the upper lip
- Helpful in treating eczema, psoriasis, other skin conditions
- Sore throat
- Helpful with heart palpitations, other heart conditions
- Anxious, disturbed, restless sleep

Remedy Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Arsenicum Album 250C, Lycopodium 40C, Urtica Urens 80C, Veratrum Album 50C, Aloe Socotrina 80C, Ipecac 80C.

10ml Dropper
25ml Dropper
25ml Sprayer