Afghanite Gem Essence


Afghanite Gem Essence

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Afghanite Gem Essence is for those who struggle to be heard and truly understood, while also expanding their state of consciousness to provide a newer more profound perspective.


This essence could be useful in helping put impact and clarity behind one's words so that they may resonate more deeply with the listener, making this a suggested essence for those in an expressive profession/position such as the arts, teaching, leadership, communications, etc. or are giving a speech/providing a presentation. It can also be useful in situations of miscommunication or misunderstanding.


Afghanite Essence can also assist in improving the way one thinks and feels. It can provide a calming energy and bring clarity to one's mind so that they may correctly process information and navigate even the most difficult of situations.


This Gem Essence also uses its energies and vibrations to balance the Third Eye and Crown Chakras, which can sharpen and improve one's intuition.


Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Afghanite Gem Essence