Livestock Bites


Livestock Bites

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Apply to dissipate the poison resulting from bites from other animals – ticks, spiders, mites, mosquitoes, etc. This remedy will also be of great assistance in the treatment of eye injuries.

This is our lead remedy in all bites and stings cases. It stops the pain and allows the poison to leave the system. It is great for removing mites that are living in the skin and resulting in unhealthy skin spots and itchy skin. Used in tick poisoning situations we find it allows the body to create a natural immunity to ticks in the future, however you will still need to search for ticks during tick season and when exposure has occurred.

- Bites from insects, spiders and snakes
- Rheumatic pain
- Poison ivy type skin eruption
- Helps with vertigo
- Aching in ears
- Gout
- Anal fissures, haemorrhoids
- Deep tissue damage
- Swollen ankles, painful soles of feet
- Easily sprained ankles
- May help with eczema, itching of feet and ankles

This remedy is usually used for puncture wounds because of its ability to aid the healing of such wounds from the bottom upwards. It is reputed to have anti-tetanus properties, possibly for the same reason; it also appears to help oxygenation of cold, cyanotic areas around puncture wounds and contusions, and this may be its route to preventing tetanus. Eye ulcers also respond when caused by contusion or puncturing. Apart from this well-known indication, arthritic conditions can respond if the symptoms are worse for warmth. We have had great results using this remedy in the case of buffalo fly and tick poisoning, mites causing itching on the skin, etc.

Testimonial from Janiene Rochelle
This is fantastic, I give it to my dogs every day, also spray on ticks before removing them & the ticks are dead, making it easier to remove them. I have used this remedy now for a couple of years. Good for us as well ❤️

Remedy Ingredients: Ethanol Base, Apis 60C, Ledum 40C, Urtica Urens 100, Aconitum Napellus 70C, Cantharis 70C, Carbolicum Acidum 80C, Histaminum 230C, Hypericum 110C.

50ml Sprayer