You may already be getting started on the journey to remove toxins, chemicals, etc. from your life, and this list may just be a checklist for you. If however, you are just starting, we suggest you take your time. Don’t try to change everything in one go.

1. Healthy Water
I’ve said this to clients before, and they’ve asked me to explain myself. Do I mean bottled water? No, not at all. Water stored in plastic can sit in massive warehouses for months, years sometimes, and every heating of the warehouse will cause the plastic in the bottle to shed into the water, making it toxic.
Fluoride and other toxic chemicals are added to city/town water, so drinking water from the tap without filtering doesn’t give you healthy water.
(Fluoride impacts the cardiovascular system, central nervous system, digestive system, endocrine system, immune system, integumentary system (the integumentary system comprises the skin and its appendages acting to protect the body from various kinds of damage, such as loss of water or damages from the outside. The integumentary system includes hair, scales, feathers, hooves, and nails, depending on species), renal system and respiratory system. Linked to Alzheimer’s, cancer, diabetes, heart disease and infertility.)
Probably one of the best investments you can make for your health, and the health of your family is a good inline water filter. Use it for your cooking, your drinking and use it for your pets as well. If you can manage to filter your bathroom water too, you’ll ensure you are bathing in clean water.
We have tank water and definitely, we filter all our water. Bacterias, parasites and chemicals can be found in tank water.
2. Chemicals
This relates to chemicals inside and outside your home. If something is designed to kill something, then it is poisonous. We need to remember that. If you use chemicals to spray your garden, your pavers or the weeds/bugs in your garden then you are exposing yourself, your family and your animals to poison. Every chemical on the market is available for you to research the side effects. Look for the active ingredient not just the name of the product.
Inside your home, we use lots of chemicals too. To clean, makeup on our skin, skincare products and unfortunately in our food. More on chemicals in our food below.
There is a great reference called the Chemical Maze app, which you can download to your phone for when you are shopping, or you can get a physical copy. Know what is in the products you are using at home. This is a very toxic time we are living in. We can’t control the things outside our home/property but we can minimise our deliberate exposure.
3. Vaccines
This is a very contentious issue at present. I want to say right up front – vaccines contain some very toxic adjuvants like mercury (also known as thimerosal), aluminium and formaldehyde. They also include DNA from other animals and humans as well as other many dubious ingredients. All I want to say on this matter is vaccines need to be researched. You need to know exactly what is going into your body and that of your children, even your animals. Be informed, be proactive.
If you have recently had a vaccination consider that you will shed the toxins and the live bacterias in the vaccine for up to a month afterwards.
4. Medications
Every medication comes with side effects, even your pain killers. In this informational age, there is no reason you can’t know exactly what side effects your medications are causing, by googling “side effects of …..” They might not have your brand specifically, but they will have side effects of the active ingredients in your medication listed.
Consider too, interaction side effects if you are on multiple medications. This might not be as easy to find on the internet but any Pharmacist will be able to give you this information.
Remember, you are now about Proactive Health for yourself and your family. One of the first steps is finding out about the products you are currently using. If you don’t like what you find then you can work towards changing, reducing and/or eliminating them from your life.
5. Take Time to Regenerate
When did our world become one of a rush, rush? Where people are considered lazy if they stop and care for themselves. We have a saying here ‘brick, brick, bus’. I’ve had clients message me and say they just got hit by the bus. What does this mean? If we are in tune with our bodies we can identify the first brick (the first sign we are overdoing things) and take some downtime to recoup, regenerate and heal. Often we miss the first brick, it can be subtle or just a nuisance that you ignore or bat out of the way. The second brick does hit harder but still many will miss it or just ignore it. It’s when the bus hits that we know something has gone wrong. It’s when we become sick (sometimes chronically) and are forced to stop.
What if we had heard or seen the first brick, and just took a few hours to get some extra rest, or avoided an outing that wasn’t crucial and had a long bath instead. Could we have saved ourselves the bus, the knockdown, the “I can’t move for a week illness” or worse?
I don’t know what fills your cup, only you know that. If you took some time each week for yourself to ‘fill your cup’ you would cope with life much better. You’d have something special to look forward to, some ‘you’ time. We all need this but we’ve forgotten how to be kind to ourselves.
Often, I will remind people to be kind to themselves. It’s something I say at the end of many of my emails. And, people have been known to email the same back to me. We need to make this kindness to ourselves a habit.
People ask our advice about what they can do to help themselves when we are doing healing plans. We say eat well, drink lots of healthy water, get extra rest if they are tired (this is sleep, not going on social media or watching tv), avoid stressful people and situations (this includes habitual watching of the news which is sometimes like a horror movie). This doesn’t have to just happen when on a plan. It’s not a bad way to live life. For our more detailed article on this click here.
6. What’s in Your Food?
We can’t know what’s on our fruit and vegetables in the way of chemicals but, we can choose organic when available. Washing is important, but it won’t remove chemicals that were in the soil where the plant was growing. Even organic farms will have some chemical residue in their soil.
If you can grow some of your fruit and vegetables at home without chemicals, that is great. For most, it isn’t a useful suggestion. I think the key here is to be aware. In Australia, we irradiate everything we import so all your foreign fruit and vegetables will have been irradiated.
(Irradiation reduces the risk of infection and spoilage, it doesn’t make food radioactive, and the food is shown to be safe, but it does cause chemical reactions that alter the food and therefore alter the chemical makeup, nutritional content, and the sensory qualities of the food.)
In the production of grain, it is common practice to spray the seeds to stimulate a consistent and fast ripening. Organic flours and grains are more expensive, but if you consider the chemical load you are putting into your body by eating it, you have to at least look at it as an option.
Cooking at home. This time honoured processing of preparing food for your family with real ingredients is disappearing. We are so busy that preprepared foods are now the norm. Some people don’t even know the basics of nurturing themselves with food. Learning to cook, teaching our children how to cook, these are basic survival skills. We need to return to this process in the journey to regaining our health.
Most people have digestive problems – constipation, diarrhea, sluggish metabolism, heart burn, reflux. In our work we find many things affecting digestion – bacterias, parasites, medication, chemicals. The healing plans are a great way to identify what is going on, clearing it out and supporting better digestion but the work has to continue in your day to day life. I personally believe we should be putting so many good stomach bacterias into our stomach that the bad ones can’t flourish. To this end we use a lot of fermented foods and drinks in our diet. Kefir, kombucha, naturally brewed ginger and tumeric drinks, fermented and pickled vegetables, sauerkraut. Purchasing these things can get expensive but they are soooo easy to make at home.
7. Supplements
Not all supplements are equal. About 50 years ago there was a huge push towards supplements, and many ‘not so ethical’ companies jumped on board. Synthetic (man-made) vitamins and minerals are not equal to taking vitamins and minerals naturally. Also, many supplements have fillers in them that shouldn’t be inside your body. Do your research. Again be proactive with your health.
For example, some Synthetic Vitamin B12 supplements are made from cyanocobalamin. This “ingredient” is not found anywhere in nature. It is made from fermenting cobalt and cyanide. Side effects include diarrhoea, nausea, upset stomach, itching, rash, headaches, dizziness, weakness, numbness or tingling, fever, joint pain, feeling of swelling all over the body, muscle cramps, and irregular heartbeat.
Folic acid is one that we see causing major health issues, especially with baby health. Folic acid is not Vitamin B9, not even close and it doesn’t come from natural foods. It comes from petroleum derivatives, acids and acetylene. Not a concoction you want to add to your body. Do you know they also add folic acid to all bread you purchase? Side effects include nausea, gas/bloating, poor appetite, funny taste in the mouth, trouble sleeping, feeling depressed or overly excited. May increase incidence of colon or rectum cancer.
8. Aluminium
Aluminium in our daily lives
Years ago, when I was a kid, my grandmother went through the process of throwing away all her aluminium cookware. Why? Because it had just been announced that aluminium from pots and pans was leaching into our food and causing dementia.
It amazes me today that people still use aluminium foil to cover their food while cooking and wrap it to keep it warm. Aluminium foil is much lighter than pots and pans and if the aluminium was coming out of the pots, imagine how easily it transfers to our food from the foil. If you are still using it in your cooking, then go to the kitchen right now and THROW IT OUT!! Aluminium is a known brain toxin.
Where else might you be getting aluminium exposure in your life?
Many deodorants have aluminium, blocking the lymph glands under your arms in their crucial job of clearing the toxins from your body. Most antacids have aluminium in them. Vaccines are renown for having aluminium in them. People are still using trays, pots and pans with aluminium in them. Soft drinks come in aluminium cans. They aren’t stored in the refrigerator after being filled. They live in hot warehouses where they heat up and cool down and distribute particles through the contents. Aluminium utensils and while we are at it, plastic utensils are also dangerous for your health. Some medications have aluminium in them.
Nobody wants to get dementia. It is a fear I hear many people express. Be proactive with your health and that of your family and clear the aluminium from your life.
9. Treat Day-to-Day Issues
When we turned away from the medical system, we knew we needed something else to manage the day-to-day issues in our life. We use energy healing – Reiki, innate healing, energy remedies. Others use essential oils or herbs. Whatever feels right for you. For us, this became a way of living and a way for us to make a living. We went on this journey of discovery never having heard of Reiki or Quantum Physics.
As we became ready for our journey the right people and the right information just appeared in our life. Of course, we have taken it to the extreme and it will be our life’s work, but for you, it might only be that you want to help your family, maybe your friends or you might be on a journey to help others too. It’s exciting.
If you feel that Quantum healing as we do it, is right for you then we are happy to guide you. If not us, then look for someone to help you on your journey. Everyone is different, unique, individual. What is right for one is not for another. Find the modality that works for you and your family to help you through the day-to-day health issues.
10. The Importance of Sleep
Sleep plays a vital role in our health both physically and mentally. Our bodies rely on sleep to help them repair themselves from injury, fight off illness, recover from the day’s activities, and compartmentalise and store memory.
Find our full article on The Importance of Sleep here. It contains a few tips and tricks you can try to improve your sleep.

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