Emotional Healing after a Relationship Break-Up

I have used healing plans before but the ones my son received recently really highlighted the depth and change energetic medicine is capable of.

My 22-year-old son was totally heartbroken at an unexpected break-up he experienced recently from his long term girlfriend. 

He would or could not talk to me, eat or come out of his room.  His grief was palpable – I was very seriously worried about his mental health. My beautiful boy was distraught and needed support. 

Cathy almost immediately came to mind and was so responsive and incredibly supportive to my cry for help. A series of plans were quickly put together to help J who was obviously struggling emotionally. 

At first there were subtle changes, such as better sleep patterns and improvement in his low energy then over time l  saw remarkable and unexpected positivity in my son – things that were way beyond that could be anticipated. Within four months there has been a major turnaround in J’s outlook on life, he has become a whole and happy person again, moving on from his sad stuck shadow, travelling overseas and realising he is just fine to be by himself for now. 

I can’t thank Cathy and everyone at HWE enough. 

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