Healing Long Term Urinary Tract Issues

  • Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Kadi B, sent us this testimonial this morning.

Firstly I want to thank Eric & Cathy for this amazing healing, I am very grateful.

I was introduced to this healing method through my mum’s friend, that had great results from ‘Heal With Ease’. I had been suffering with frequent urinary tract sensitivity and problems since I was a baby (22 years). After trying many different natural health alternatives, cleaning up my diet and seeing plenty of different health professionals, there was still a lingering problem. I also had menstrual problems where I didn’t get my period for 2 years. So I decided to give it a go, as I’m very open to different ways of healing.

Through the healing process I did feel quite tired and run down for the first few times, but I listened to my body and rested. I was also experiencing irregular bleeding during some of the healings which I assume would have been my body cleansing.

I began to feel a sense of grounding and contentment within myself and my mood definitely improved from the very first healing. Since Cathy has finished my healing plan, I have not had any problems with my UT, which is a very big deal for me after trying so many things.

I think everyone out there could benefit from a healing with Eric & Cathy. Thanks again for all your help.

Kadi B

To book in for your first Healing Plan click here. For more information about Healing Plans click here.
